Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Gainesville Art Walk
Volta Coffee, Tea & Chocolate, Emmet Studio, Eleanor Blair studio, Sweetwater Print Cooperative, The Hippodrome, Harold's Frame Shop and Gallery and Civic Media Center were all involved in the event, turning downtown into an open gallery. Each location held different artwork, with the artists themselves inside.
The art shown ranged from Florida photography to recycled art with bright colors, and from watercolors depicting homelessness to art made with just a pen. Partakers browsed the work to purchase or to simply enjoy, while also enjoying snacks and drinks served, including wine, cookies and pink lemonade.
One artist, Megan Casey, uses only pens to complete her abstract and intricate artwork. She said wants people to think outside the box when viewing her art.
"The point of my artwork is to allow all its viewers to connect with their own perspectives," Casey said in her artist statement. "I believe that lines and shapes can translate into stories."

Painter Andy Krone, who was trained through the University of Florida with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, displayed his new works, calling them "experiments in color." One of his paintings of an elephant, a preview to his latest series, he said, was recycled from another painting, where he painted over the original but kept the texture to enhance the art.
If you missed the art walk this Friday, don't fret. GAWK is held the last Friday of every month and is always showing new art. Get to know your local artists and pick up some inspiration of your own. Contact 352-328-5927 or e-mail artwalkgville@gmail.com for more information.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Business Cards

Yum Cupcakery

You can pretty much mix and match anything on the menu, as well as request something you don't see on the menu, to create "the cupcake of your dreams." They also deliver.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Straight Line Designs