Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Alligator column on cheating


Couldn't possibly agree with you more, Joe.

It makes me want to write hate mail to the girl and the boy that basically said cheating is normal, and how they're not really sorry. It's almost disturbing to me that a person could really think that way, let alone publish it in a newspaper. I really hope no one else actually agreed with these people. Who says things like that? Joe shouldn't have even had to explain anything. Although he named every reason why cheating is wrong and put it beautifully, everyone should know this already. Come on...

Anyway, thank you, Joe, for calling these miserable individuals out. Although I'm sure it didn't phase them one bit and they're probably doing someone on a hammock right at this moment, it was definitely needed to be said.

Monday, January 11, 2010