1. Girls my age that like little kid stars.
Example: Justin Bieber. This kid seriously disturbs me. He is unbelievably lame and a dousche. I can understand if you're 12 and you like him, but if you're any older....what.the.hell??
2. Terrible music in general.
For me, that's the radio station that only plays two things - Nickelback and more Nickelback. It literally gives me chills to hear this guy's voice. Or, the ridiculous, pointless, shallow & unoriginal rap songs where the singer has absolutely no talent yet has a million fans. Or, modern day country. I will gag at every song and will agree to listen to almost anything over country.
3. Girls that know they're skanky and think it's funny.
4. Girls that answer the phone and say, "hey bitch" in a nice way to their friend.
5. Guys that tan. You're not supposed to go to tanning beds or even lay out unless you're doing it just to relax or chat, etc., not to actually get a tan. It's creepy. Go throw a football or something. And guys that are too feminine in general. Yes, that does include skinny jeans I have no idea how you got on yourself. Only like 1% of males can pull that off, and you're probably not included.
6. People that talk on their phone loudly and really annoyingly when the rest of the people they are around are quiet and know that everyone can hear their brainless and annoying conversation. And still keep talking.
7. Extensive sex scenes in movies. I can't stand this. I realize that in some movies a minute of a sex scene is almost required, and helps the story in some way. But 98% of all other movies put in sex scenes and nudity for no reason at all, except to maybe keep some adolescent boys or perverted men entertained. Is it really necessary to extend on a scene where the viewers already get the idea of what they're going to do? If people want that, they go rent a porno. Not a movie with a story line that I rented with my parents.
8. Teens that have babies in or right after high school and don't even think about getting a decent job or college. Or teens that have a baby and basically give it to their mom to take care of and go on with their lives, never mentioning their 3 kids at home to the drunken guy they met at the bar.
9. People that want to hug you every single time they see you even though you just met yesterday and are barely friends. No, I'm not really that excited to see you. And I don't think you are, either. So stop. It's weird.
10. Comic sans. For some reason this font is available for everything, and people just love to use it. It's really terrible if you actually look at it. I think I used it in 6th grade.
11. Those creepy 50 year old bald guys that sit alone with a drink and don't talk to anybody but watch the college kids dance at the club with a creepy look on their faces. OK, maybe this isn't a very common thing. But I saw this last weekend, and now that I'm sober, it bothers me a lot more than it did then.
12. Elijah Wood, Tobey Maguire, Matthew Davis and Matthew McConaughey. Oh and especially Ryan Seacrest. On second thought, all things American Idol.
13. Guy gynecologists. Guy doctors in general usually creep me out if they're my doctor. Also, guys who give me pedicures. I don't want any guys touching me, period.
14. Guys with huge trucks. So annoying.
15. Creepy baby pictures, like the one Angela had on The Office. I don't get why people think these are cute. It's terrible.
16. WWE. This is kind of a given. I don't see how anyone can not be creeped out by this.
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