Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer of Love

In the short summer this year, I have learned more about love and relationships than I have in my lifetime. The best of it, the worst of it, and a few in between.
To put it bluntly, my two best friends were dumped this summer. One of them had dated her boyfriend for about 3 years, the other 2. Both were happy, in love, and thought everything was perfectly fine.
When finding these things out, it naturally shocked me. Shock turned to anger, and confusion, and then, selfishly, worry. I was in a relationship for about 5 months at that time, and everything was going great. To see two people who seemed to have the perfect relationship have it crumble right before their eyes without much of a say in it, made me worry a lot more than usual. How can someone who says "I love you" every day, or gives you a promise ring just months before, or even talks about their future with you, just dump you on the spot? It's scary. Nothing is worse than thinking one way for so long because that person reassured you, and then having it all come crashing down in an instant.
I don't know the exact details of either of these relationships. One turned out to apologize profusely just a few days later, and the couple are now working things out to possibly get back together again. The other friend's ex, however, decided to date someone else just a few days later. He not only did this, but he told his ex (my friend) that he was going to dump his new girlfriend and that he was sorry and wanted to be friends. That very same night he talked to his ex, he went out on a date with his still girlfriend and bought her dinner.
What amazes me the most is the evil inside people. Hiding somewhere, where it's impossible to find until it's too late. Sure, maybe he had somewhat of a reason to break up with her. I honestly don't know. But to ignore her and treat her terribly during the process, then lie to her on top of everything just takes the cake. How can you be so intimate with someone for that long and not see what that person is capable of? After that experience, my friend is so changed that she is having a hard time accepting that she will date anybody ever again. She worked so hard for that relationship to work, and in the end, it wasn't even worth it. She is completely spent and will have trust issues with every single person from now on. And I completely understand.
The good thing, though, is she realizes how much he brought her down. Visiting every weekend from college to come see him, not doing well in school, missing time with friends...she has now done a complete 360 in her life and she is loving it. Being single after you've had a boyfriend for so long can get lonely, but being free to go out and have new experiences and meet new people is so much better to me than sitting around doing the same thing with your crummy boyfriend. I have always thought that getting out of a long, bad relationship is enlightening after the first couple weeks of torment, and this is certainly no exception.
What I've personally learned this year, is that relationships are more difficult than I ever expect them to be. They force you to look at yourself as you are. There is just no way around it. I wasn't too keen on starting a relationship, but obviously, my boyfriend now seemed more than worth it. And so far, it definitely has been. Being easy, though, it definitely has not. Being in love with someone who is such a stable, wonderful person is difficult when you are insecure, emotional, and sometimes a little on the moody side. Sometimes I'm jealous of him. I don't understand how someone can be like him every day, and that someone can be in love with someone like me. He puts up with so much of my whining. But, every day, I have been slowly coming to accept the fact that he actually likes me. That I am worth his love. And what a journey it has been, and will continue to be.
Although both of these relationships ending scared me, I know I can't let it get to me. The only way to love fully and be happy is to trust. Being in love and trusting completely is the scariest feeling in the world, and can end up being the worst feeling you've ever felt in your life. But it can also be the most rewarding. The only way to find out is to try.

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